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हेलो फ्रेंड्स….यहाँ पर आपको Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University और Durg University के सिलेबस के अनुसार BCA 1st year , BCA 2nd Year और BCA 3rd year के Notes, असाइनमेंट Question और उसके solution के PDF मिलेंगे |
साथ ही यहाँ मै आपको BCA 1st year के 10 Year question पेपर भी प्रोवाइड करने वाला हूँ तथा BCA 2nd Year और BCA 3rd Year के भी Question Paper प्रोवाइड करने वाला हूँ जिससे की आपको थोड़ा बेसिक ज्ञान हो सके कि एग्जाम के किस तरह के question आने की सम्भावना ज्यादा है और जिससे की आप उसके अनुसार अपने एग्जाम की तयारी कर सके |
BCA 1st year Assignment Questions and There Solution
Download C Language Assignment Question Click Here
C Language क्या है और कैसे सीखे जानने के लिए आप इसे जरूर पढ़े -: C Language Kya Hai? C Language क्यों और कैसे सीखे?
C Language Practical Assignment Question And solution
1. Write a program in which to declare all data type like integer ,double, float, long int and print value in specified format
2. Write a program to calculate the simple interest
3. Write a program to find the average of three number
4. Write a program to find the average of three number
5. Write a program to compare two no by using of ternary operator in c.
6. Write a program to use of bitwise operator (left shift and right shift).
7. Write a program in c to convert the temperature centigrade into Fahrenheit.
8. Write a program in c for increment and decrement operator.
9. Write a program to check whether enter year is leap or not(if …else)
10. Write a program to find even and odd no by using if else statement.
11. Write a program to find largest among three no using nested if statement.
12. Write a program to take input of 5 subject . find total and calculate percent. On the basis of percent provide grade like:
13. Write a program in C to read any Month Number in integer and display Month name in the word.(using switch case)
14. Write a program to print multiplication table of given number.
IF Per > 80 “A+”
Per >= 65 and per <=80 “A”
Per > =50 and per <=65 “B”
Per >= 42 and per <=50 “C”
Per < 42 “Fail”
15. Write a program by using switch case if user enter 11 it will have are area of circle and when user enter 22 it will have area of rectangle and when user enter 33 it will give area of square when user enter 44 it will give area of triangle.
16. Write a program in C to print sum of odd no between 0 to 10 using continue.
17. Write a program in c using goto statement
18. Write a program to find Fibonacci series upto n terms
19. Write a program in c to check whether the no is prime or not
20. Write a program in c to sum of digit.
21. Write a program to convert decimal to binary.
22. Write a program in c to check Armstrong no.
23. Write a c program to following pattern:
* *
* * *
* * * *
24. Write a c program to the following pattern:
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
25. Write a c program to following pattern:
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
26. Write a c program to following pattern:
* *
* * *
* * * *
27. Write a program to following pattern:
28. Write a program to following pattern:
29. Write a program in c to perform maths and character library function using switch case.
30. Write a program to demonstrate the command line argument.
31. Write a program to swapping of two number using call by value and call by reference.
32. Write a program to differentiate local and global variable.
33. Write a c program to show the use of static variable.
34. calculate the volume through function.
35. write a program to find area of circle and area of rectangle using the function return
36. Write a program to add two no by using 4th category of function(Return type with
37. Write a program in C to read 10 numbers from keyboard and find their sum and
38. 22.Write a program to find factorial of a number using recursion.
39. write a c program to calculate power using recursion
40. Write a program to take input of 10 element, store and display it using one Dimensional array (using function).
41. Write a program to find sum of 10 natural no using 1-D array.
42. Write a program in c to search an element from an array by linear search method.
43. Write a program in c to sort element of array in ascending order.
44. Write a program in c to perform addition of two matrix.
45. Write a program in c to perform multiplication of two matrix.
46. Write a program to find Transpose of a matrix.
47. Write a program to print String and findout their length without using library function.
48. Write a program to copy one String into another String without using library function.
49. Write a c program to perform string manipulation by Using library function.
50. Write a program to check entered string is palindrome or not.
51. Write a c program to read and print an employee’s details like name, employee id, salary etc. using structure.
52. Create a structure student having data members to store roll number, name of
student, name of three subjects, max marks.mim marks.Declare a structure variable of student provide facilities to input data in data member and display result of student.
53. Write a c program to demonstrate structure of array.
54. Create a user defined type enum days of week and display all.
55. Write a program in c to find the sum of an array element using pointer and function.
56. Write a program to sum of two no using pointer.
57. Write a program in c to show the pointer to pointer.
58. Write a program in c to find the maximum number between two number using a
59. Pointers.
60. Write a c program to read and print the student details using the structure and Dynamic memory Allocation. Using malloc().
61. Write a program in c to create a float array dynamically using calloc().input value
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